Acer B233H Uživatelská příručka

Stránka 24

background image


F ederal Communications Commission

Declaration of Conformity

This device com plies with Part 1 5 of th e FCC Rules. Operation is sub ject to t he

fo llowin g two cond ition s: (1) th is d ev ice may not cause h arm ful interferen ce, and (2)
this device must accept any in terference received, includin g in terferen ce that may
cause undesired operat ion.

The following local Manu facturer /Importer is resp onsib le fo r th is d eclaratio n:

P rodu ct:

LCD Mon itor

Trade Nam e:


M odel Number:

B2 33 H

S KU Nu mb er:

B2 33 H xx xx xx (“x” = 0~9 , a ~ z, A ~ Z or Blank)

Name of Resp onsib le Party:

Acer America Corp oration

Address of Resp onsib le P arty: 333 West San Carlo s S t.

San Jo se, CA 95 110

U. S. A.

Contact P erson:

Acer Representativ e

Pho ne No.:

254 -29 8-40 00

Fax No .:

254 -29 8-41 47
