HP 55 inch LED monitor HP LD5535 Digital Signage Uživatelská příručka
Stránka 97
F2: Write/Read the 2nd index of On Time data
F3: Write/Read the 3rd index of On Time data
F4: Write/Read the 4th index of On Time data
F5: Write/Read the 5th index of On Time data
F6: Write/Read the 6th index of On Time data
F7: Write/Read the 7th index of On Time data
2. e1h-e7h (Delete one index), e0h (Delete all indexes)
E0: Delete all indexes of Off Time list
E1: Delete 1st index of On Time list
E2: Delete 2nd index of On Time list
E3: Delete 3rd index of On Time list
E4: Delete 4th index of On Time list
E5: Delete 5th index of On Time list
E6: Delete 6th index of On Time list
E7: Delete 7th index of On Time list
Data 2
01h to 80h (write) (Day of Week)
01: Monday
02. Tuesday
04: Wednesday
08: Thursday
10: Friday
20. Saturday
40. Sunday
80. Everyday
1f: Monday to Friday
3f: Monday to Saturday
60. Saturday to Sunday
Every Week (write)
01: Enable every week
00 to 17: 00 to 23 Hours
00 to 3B: 00 to 59 Minutes
Transmission / Receiving protocol 87