Operation on hp-ux, Installation procedure – Dell 5130cdn Color Laser Printer Uživatelská příručka

Stránka 264

background image

2. Set Remote Printer

Enter Process No (1/2) ? : 1

6. Type the device name of the connection port.

Enter port-device-name? [/dev/ecpp0] : /dev/bpp0


Specify the device file in the communication port available.

7. When Set Remote Printer is selected, type the host name of the server or the host name of the printer.

Enter server-hostname? : server

server-hostname is 'server' (y/n)[y] : y


The host name of the server must be pre-registered with DNS, NIS, NIS+ or /etc/hosts.

8. When Set Remote Printer is selected, type the remote printer name.

Enter server-printer-name? : ps

server-printer-name is 'ps' (y/n)[y] : y


Type ps when the printer is a network connection printer.

9. Type the printer name to be registered with the system.

Enter printer-name? [dell5130cdn] : dell5130cdn

Printer-name is 'dell5130cdn' (y/n)[y] : y

10. Specify the directory to install the utility. To install into /usr/local/dellbin5130, press the <Enter> key. To change

the directory, specify one.

Enter Binary directory name? [/usr/local/dellbin5130] :

11. If this utility has been installed earlier, the user will be prompted whether to overwrite the earlier version.

directory is '/usr/local/dellbin5130' (y/n)[n] : y

12. If the server input at step 5 the printer connected by the network, type <y>. If the server and the printer are

connected locally, type <n>.

'dell5130cdn'is network printer?:(y/n)[y] : y

The software installation is complete.


When the printing settings are modified or changed by the Administration Tool (admintool) after the

installation, printing may not work.

Operation on HP-UX

Installation Procedure
