Safety instructions for gas r600a, En - 4 – Philco PTF 752 Uživatelská příručka

Stránka 6

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EN - 4


Copyright © 2011, Fast ČR, a. s.

Technical safety

The appliance contains a cooling gas, ISOBUTHAN (R600a). Only transport or move the appliance

with the utmost care, prevent excessive impacts and shaking to prevent damaging the appliance.

If the cooling circuit becomes damaged and the cooling gas may be escaping, there is a risk of an

explosion, which may be ignited by a spark or fl ame. If the appliance shows signs of damage, it must not be
put into operation. In such a case contact the service centre, ventilate the room where the appliance is located
and prevent the spreading of fl ames or other interference with the appliance.

Safety instructions for gas R600a

Measures in case of an unexpected release
If ventilation is possible, allow the material to evaporate.

Characteristics of the gas
The gas is highly fl ammable, it is necessary to completely prevent contact with an open fl ame and hot surfaces.
Because the R600a gas is heavier than air, it may become very concentrated at the level of the ground, where
ventilation is weak.

First aid

Take the aff ected person from the contaminated area to a warm, well ventilated location. Staying in
a contaminated location for a long time may cause suff ocation, or potentially loss of consciousness.
If necessary, provide mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and in exceptionally serious situations, under expert
medical supervision, give oxygen.

Contact with the skin
Random contact with the skin will not endanger health, it is better to thoroughly wash the aff ected area.
The liquid spray or dispersed liquid may cause frost bite, wash the aff ected area with large amounts of water
and contact a medical doctor.

Contact with the eyes
If eyes have been aff ected, wash out with large amounts of water, while trying to keep the eyes open, and call
a specialised doctor as soon as possible.
If contact or inhalation of the R600a gas occurs, contact your medical doctor.
