Troubleshooting – LG VR62601LVM Uživatelská příručka

Stránka 37

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A warning message will be given if a wheel does not contact the fl oor surface for any reason.

• Is a wheel trapped in the front door, balcony, stairway, etc?

Move the Robot Cleaner on to the fl at fl oor.

• Is any foreign material wound around the wheel?

Lay smooth cloth on the fl oor, overturn the Robot Cleaner, and put it on the cloth.

Remove foreign material after observing the wheel.

Please make sure to remove the dust bin before fl ipping the main body.

Otherwise, the dust in the dust bin may fall out.

A warning message will be given if Robot Cleaner cannot go on cleaning due to any unfavourable condition.

• Is the Robot Cleaner stuck?

After removing the part that is stuck, place the Robot Cleaner on fl at fl oor.

Upon a voice message, "Kola se nedotýkají podlahy. Prosím, přesuňte HOM-
BOT na rovnou podlahu."

Upon a voice message, "Prosím, odstraňte veškerý cizí materiál na levém/
pravém kole."

Upon a voice message, "HOM-BOT nemůže pokračovat v čištění. Zkontrolujte
prosím oblast kolem něj."
