Installation procedure, En - 7 – Philco PEI 12715 Uživatelská příručka

Stránka 9

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EN - 7


Copyright © 2012, Fast ČR, a. s.

Installation procedure

1. Open the protective covers and remove the aluminium fi lters.

2. Pull out the cable leading from the external ventilation unit and lead it about 30 cm above the range hood.

Cable leading from the external ventilation unit

3. Place the range hood against the ceiling and secure it in place using screws.

4. Attach one end of the aluminium pipe to the range hood fl ange and the other end to the air outlet. Check

that both ends are fi rmly attached and secured in place. Bends and deviations in the aluminium fl ue pipe
reduce the exhaust performance, so it is essential that the pipe is bent as little as possible.

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