Recommended materials, Connection of the film, Warranty, complaints – Fenix ECOFILM C dílensky vyrobené topné folie Uživatelská příručka

Stránka 10

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9. Recommended materials


1. Plasterboard

2. PE foil

3. ECOFILM heating film

4. Thermal insulation

• Ceiling panel:

– KNAUF plasterboard, thickness 12 to 16 mm;
– RIGIPS plasterboard, thickness 12 to 16 mm.

• Thermal insulation:

– ORSIL / ISOVER: Domo, RIO, Orstrop;
– ROCKWOOL: Rockmin, Prefrock;

10. Connection of the film

• Connection of the film is done using cold ends. Cold ends are connected in the T-junction box of the installation

or directly in the thermostat which controls the heated area.

11. Warranty, complaints

The supplier of the ECOFILM heating film provides a warranty of its functionality for a period of 24 months from the
day of installation confirmed in the warranty certificate (the installation must be carried out max. 6 months from the date
of sale) if:

• a duly completed warranty certificate and proof of purchase is provided;

• the procedure described in this manual is followed;

• information about the composition of the foil in the floor, the connection and the results of the measurements is


Complaints are to be raised in writing with the company which carried out the installation or directly with the producer.

Providing the above-mentioned conditions are fulfilled, and after the end of the warranty period, the conditions
according to the complaint rules, point 5, apply for the period of the next 8 years.
