2N NetStar Mobility Extension configuration manual Uživatelská příručka
Stránka 38
Configuration of routing of outgoing calls
with Mobility Extension
What is necessary:
external station
routing "Without port"
routing "From port"
bundle of ports
permitted transmission for putting call on hold
Routing of outgoing calls to an external station mainly depends on the configuration of
this station and on the way it is called. In principle, an external station can be called in
two ways. The first is to call a number, which is then routed to the respective external
station. The second way is to call a user of this station. In such case, it is necessary to
uncheck the option "Do not ring when calling a user" on the "Basic" tab at the station,
as shown on
Figure 9
Figure 9: Part of configuration of an external station with the number used for routing
The port, over which the call will be made, determines the setup of routing "Without
port" in the "Routing" tab in the station properties (or, as the case may be, the type of
the station when using a mass configuration by cascading). Figure 10 shows a suitable
solution of routing of an outgoing call of the external station. Inclusion of a bundle of
GSM ports in the routing "Without port" reduces the probability of rejection of a call at
the respective external station when one GSM port is busy at the moment.