2N NetStar Mobility Extension configuration manual Uživatelská příručka
Stránka 39
Figure 10: Configuration of routing of the external station with an included bundle of
GSM ports
One of the possible settings of the bundle is shown on
. The selected cyclic
Figure 11
allocation strategy means that at the first attempt to call one of the external stations,
which has this bundle set in the routing "Without port", it will be routed to the first row
of the bundle, i.e., to the port GSM 1. At the second call to port GSM 2, subsequently
to port GSM 3, and at the next making of a call again to port GSM 1. In the event that
the specific port is busy at the moment of routing, it will automatically go to the next
row. This is ensured by checking the "Respond to busy" option. Only if all ports are
busy the caller gets a busy tone and the making of a call is terminated.